Market Bouquets

Market Bouquet


 I just love a hand-tied market bouquet! Our bouquets are simple enough for every day, but oh so pretty, and such a lovely treat! These sweet packages come wrapped in brown craft paper and are perfect as gifts or even as a regular delight for yourself! These aren’t your grocery store bouquets. Our flowers are selected to resemble a hand held bouquet from your grandmother’s cutting garden. Market bouquets are sold a la carte through the site and at the Kennett Square Farmers Market. Each bouquet contains aprox. 20 stems including larger focal flowers, smaller filler flowers, and specialty greenery. Cosmos, zinnias, sunflowers, snapdragons, hydrangeas, peonies, amaranth, black-eyed-Susans, fragrant herbs, and bachelor buttons are just some of the stems we are including in our bouquets this season.